by holdingRcN | Jan 31, 2019 | Family, Growing in Faith
January is the time of fresh starts. Many people enjoy a fresh start, I’m not sure that I am one of them. To me a fresh start means letting go of what has been normal or at least the known, it might not have been great, or bad, or good, maybe just somewhere in...
by holdingRcN | Dec 23, 2018 | livingPEACE
Are you looking forward to 2019?I started off 2018 with some of you focusing on what I wanted it to be in the Be Group! We took to time to really think about who we are and what we want to become by drafting our Personal Manifestos.I choose to end...
by holdingRcN | May 20, 2018 | Growing in Faith
I often say God gave me curly hair to remind me every morning how little control I really have in life. I love my curly hair, I really do. I just want it to curl perfectly the same on both sides. Is that asking for too much? Yep, yep it is. (So I...
by holdingRcN | Aug 3, 2017 | Question Thinking
We all know we need to exercise at least 30 minutes per day. How do you think your questions about exercising effect your outcome? Let me share an experience with you….. Yesterday….. 3:00 pm, I asked myself do I feel like exercising today? Not really. Well I know I...
by holdingRcN | Jul 16, 2017 | A Season of Caring, Quote Message
You have heard it said, that when life gives you lemons just make lemonade. I found this quote by Maya Angelou and I like it even better, after all I love lemon pie. Back on topic…. It seems that some people find it easier to make something of the lemons of...
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