We all know we need to exercise at least 30 minutes per day. How do you think your questions about exercising effect your outcome?
Let me share an experience with you…..
3:00 pm, I asked myself do I feel like exercising today? Not really.
Well I know I should. When can I fit it in the busy afternoon and evening I have planned? There is no time. I will do it tomorrow.
It’s 8 o’clock, time to exercise. Do I want to do the elliptical, yoga or BodyGroove today? Grooving gives me the most steps.
How many steps do I have today? 4,929 ok I better get busy.
Are these shoes the best choice today? No
Where are my tennis shoes? In the closet, off I go to get them on and get to it.
The first question I asked myself changed where my next question went.
That one question leads me to a place that let me skip exercising without a whole lot of thought. The second one lead to questions that helped me arrive at an answer that was best for me.
What questions are you asking yourself when it comes to exercise?
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