I often say God gave me curly hair to remind me every morning how little control I really have in life.
I love my curly hair, I really do. I just want it to curl perfectly the same on both sides. Is that asking for too much? Yep, yep it is. (So I decided if I make both sides of my hair different it wouldn’t bug me so much and I love it this way.}
I like my eyeliner to be perfect too. Oh, and the fit of my clothes and the style of my jewelry with each outfit.
Perfect, that’s how I like it.
How do you define perfect?
When we really stop and think about it perfect is very subjective. Your idea of perfect and my idea of perfect are not the same.
In fact, my husband would say that my hair looks exactly the same every day. I’m sure he would think it is styled it perfectly each day. For me most days it is just as good as it is going to get.
Perfect is an interesting word, it can be used as a noun, verb or adjective. Perfect as a verb is an act of making something free from faults and defects, or as close to such a condition as possible while the adjective has two meanings having all the desirable elements, qualities, and characteristics, as good as it is able to be or absolute, complete. (per the online dictionary)
I don’t know about you, but I was surprised to see in the definition any reference to as good or as close as it can get. In my mind, things are either perfect (flawless) or they are not. I’m settling when I am accepting something that is as close as possible.
There is a very fine line between trying our best and being a perfectionist.
Because perfection is subjective, I dare to say most of us struggle with perfectionism more than we realize. Listening to our self-talk will probably help us to identify how real the struggle is for us.
Some woman dress perfectly each day and still aren’t happy with how they look. Criticizing their reflection in the mirror every time they see it.
Some keep a spotless house but still worry that others are judging how long it has been since they have washed the windows.
Others avoid talking about family because they don’t want others to realize how heartbroken they are over a parodical child or addicted sibling.
The search for perfection is a discouraging and pointless pursuit.
The best news is the Lord actually took care of our greatest need per Hebrews 10:14
For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.
(The Message)
I’m so thankful He is making me holy through His sacrifice. It is a process for sure though.
When we invite the Lord into our areas of perfectionism He helps us see things differently.
When looking in the mirror we see a beautiful woman created in His image with unique and special physical features.
When looking around her home she sees the blessing of the roof over here head, the people he has placed in her family, and the many special memories created there.
When thinking of your wayward loved one you remember to lift them up in prayer and ask your friends to join you in praying.
In what ways is the Lord perfecting you in this area of perfectionism?
Join me in next months Book Chat and Facebook Community as we explore Kathi and Cheri's book and how we can stop trying harder and start living braver.
Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory wrote a book called The Cure for the Perfect Life where they examine what Try-Harder Living has done to rob us of our joy and made nothing in life quite good enough. They point out that there are 4 bullies that are the main culprits: Perfectionism, People-Pleasing, Performancism and Procrastination.
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