The Challenge of Matthew’s Calling

Over and over again Jesus drew attention to the fact that he was not accepted by the religious people of his time. Luke 5 paints a very vivid picture of two different groups of people interaction with him.  Matthew was not the kind of guy you would expect to be called...

Without God life is chaos.

I know you have heard a sermon on Proverbs 29:18, we all have. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” Did you know that there is a second part to this verse? “but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”  My pastor, Cody Busby, did a great job of preaching on the...

Wisdom leads to hope

 How is your soul?  Are you in need of wisdom? I find wisdom when I take the time to get alone with Lord and really listen.  I read the Word daily but I don’t always remember to take the time to listen.  James 1:5 reminds us that God has wisdom for those who...
Take Heart Coaching