What is freedom to you?

2 Cor 3-17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and whereWhen I think of freedom I think of that feeling that I get when I am released from something that has been weighing heavy on my heart or mind.   It can be either a situation I don’t even realize how much I have been worrying about or a struggle I am having with the Lord.  Can you relate?

Recently I have had some struggles with the Lord regarding things that have happened in my life which I am angry about.  I know God can handle me being angry with Him but the weight of carrying that anger weighs heavier than I often realize.

When I finally swallow my pride, go to him and have a real heart to heart about the pain and disappointment which lead to the anger I amazed at the freedom that comes instantly.  I am not sure why I wait so long.

I know His Spirit always brings peace, love and freedom I just need to be willing to let go of what I feel I have a right to….usually my anger and give it to Him.  Then I get to enjoy the freedom of His love completely and bask in the lightness of heart that comes only from Him.

When have you experienced freedom only the Spirit of the Lord can give?


Take Heart Coaching