I know you have heard a sermon on Proverbs 29:18, we all have.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”

Did you know that there is a second part to this verse?

“but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” 

My pastor, Cody Busby, did a great job of preaching on the full verse this morning.  The vision has to come from the Word of God in order for there to be salvation.  The blessing of hearing and living by the word is the part we often overlook.  We all want the happy part but are we willing to be faithful to do what the word instructs us to?

Cody ended his sermon with a challenge that really struck a cord in my heart.   Read the following two statements and fill in the blanks honestly.  The obvious answers come from this verse…….. what are the answers that come to your heart and mind?

Proverbs 29:18

Without ________ life is chaos.

With God life is ____________.

Cody Busby

Pastor, First Baptist Church Mulvane

Here are a few of my honest answers.

Without God life is chaos.  Without purpose life is chaos.  Without my farmer life is chaos.  Without family life is chaos.  Without money life is chaos.  Without a home life is chaos.

With God life is blessed.  With God life is doable.  With God life is worth living.  With God life is still hard.  With God life is joyful.  With God life is fulfilling.

Now do your own check up……

How would you fill in the blanks of these statements?

Take Heart Coaching