Review by Rayna: When God Doesn’t Fix It: Lessons You Never Wanted to Learn, Truths You Can’t Live Without

Most of us know Laura Story from her beautiful songs. What I love most about her songs is the vulnerability of the lyrics and her way of sharing truth, it touches us all.
I was excited to see that her book is more of the same.
I was amazed and encouraged by her willingness to share her struggles and heartaches. Life has been full of ups and downs for Laura and her husband, Martin. This book is a look into some of the things Laura has learned about God during this season of her life.
Laura starts the book reminding us that all of us are just one phone call or major event away from life change we never imagined. In that moment we think life as we know is over. The truth is life as we are yet to know is just begun.
I appreciated the way in which Laura ended each chapter by stating a Myth she had believed and the Truth which God had revealed to her through her life.
I believe that every Christian struggles with many of the myth’s Laura shares and would benefit a lot from hearing the Truth Laura learned about each one.
One of the most meaningful parts of the book was when Laura challenges us to make a list of why questions. When I listed all things I would love for God to tell me why they happened it was pretty long. Laura goes on to instruct us to write down all the answers to our whys that God has given us.
I was encouraged because I was able to write a few answers but….there are a lot of my questions still waiting to be answered. Laura admits that most of her why questions are not answered either. She is quick to remind us that God never promises the answers our whys.
She then reveals that making the shift from the question of why to how has made all the difference in her life. “Man asks why, Jesus asks How. Man says, “Why did this happen? Jesus says, “How might my Father’s Glory be displayed through this situation?” Learning that God’s Glory can be displayed in spite of our circumstances is a life changing truth.
Throughout the book Laura also shares her struggle of sharing her story when there is no pretty bow wrapping it all up. She encourages us all to step out and share our story even in the messy middle. God is working and hearing what he is doing in others’ lives brings great encouragement. The number of people touch by Laura’s honest struggles and her songs about them has continued to blow her mind. You can encourage others too.
Be brave step out and share how God’s Glory is working even in your messy middles.
These are just a couple of the nuggets of truth I found in Laura’s writings. I know that you will be blessed and challenged by reading this book too.
Live a better broken!! Love this Rayna, thank you!
Live a better broken!! Love this Rayna, thank you!