War Room is a powerful movie full of truth and challenge.
movie is about an affluent young couple who appear to have it all. When you look deeper you see that their marriage is crumbling from neglect and bitterness. Elizabeth is a real-estate agent while Tony is a top pharmaceutical salesman. They have a lovely young daughter who is seeing and feeling the stress long before her parents realize it. Everything begins to change when Elizabeth signs on to sell Miss Clara’s house and finds a friend like she has never had before. You will fall in love with Miss Clara. She is a truth speaking, feisty elderly lady who knows how to pray.
Miss Clara speaks truth to Elizabeth both about her heart and her marriage. She shares how things changed in her heart when she actually started praying and listening. This movie is an amazing call to power and reminder that there is power in prayer. My heart was encouraged by this movie and I think yours will be also.
If you haven’t seen it yet you might want to stop here and go see it. The rest will spoil the story for you.
Here are 6 truths and challenges I walked away with.
- Heavy Lifting is NOT my Job: Clara tells Elizabeth that God told her it wasn’t her job to do the heavy lifting. God could take care of that if she would just be faithful to pray. Are there things in your life in which you are doing it all on your own…. Are you doing the heavy lifting? Let go and let God.
- My Loved Ones Relationship with the Lord is NOT my job: Clara also told Elizabeth that sometimes submission means learning to duck so the Lord can knock your husband upside the head. I have been there and heard the Lord tell me that before. So many times we are so busy trying to be in charge that we are just in the way of letting the one we love hear from God.
- My love Ones Deserve the Grace and Forgiveness of God as Much as I Do: Clara asked Elizabeth to list all the things she could think of that Tony had done wrong. After writing 3 pages, Clara stopped her and said, “In light of these things, does God still love Tony?” Elizabeth answers yes. So Clara asks, “Does Tony deserve grace?” That one is a little harder for Elizabeth to answer so Miss Clara asks her, “Do you?” It is so much easier for us to think that we deserve God’s love and forgiveness than it is to think others do. What can you do to help to keep a loving and forgiving towards those around you?
- There is Only Room for One on the Throne Of My Life: Clara also reminds Elizabeth there is not room for you and God on the throne. You are going to have to step down. Is there an area in your life right now that you need to step down and let God take the thrown? How can you do that? What will keep you from jumping right back up on the throne?
- Contentment in the Lord Changes Everything: One of my favorite scenes was when Elizabeth finally got it. She went walking through her home telling Satan he had to get out. She told him you have to get out of my house, my marriage, and my family in Jesus name. She declared Jesus was her contentment. When she found contentment in the Lord it changed everything. Do you have contentment in your life? How can you get it?
- I am Blessed to Have a Man Who Loves the Lord and I Need to Pray for Him: Elizabeth finally reached a place in her relationship with the Lord and Tony that she was able to tell Tony, “I would rather have a man chasing Jesus than a house full of stuff.” Does your man know that? Does he understand how much you value his relationship with the Lord? Are you praying for him, that He would love the Lord with all His heart?
Rayna, I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the movie! I cried, I laughed, I wept! I moved me profoundly. Your points here are fantastic and would make a great blog series, or graphic, etc. Bless you!
Great Summary Rayna! Great movie. We really must let God do the work in our own hearts first and leave the rest to Him.