Have you ever jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire?

Dan 328

I loved my job.

It really was a job that had a lot of things I really loved.  I knew that I was making a difference and that was so important to me.

But I felt frustrated, unappreciated, confused, and stuck.  I had hit a glass ceiling where I was.  I was told that I would not be promoted, I was too young.  There was nothing I could do about that.

It was time to move on.

I started the job hunt.  It didn’t take long to find another job.  It seemed like a dream.

1 application, 1 job interview, 1 new job.

I jumped right out of that frying pan into my new job.

It started off great.  I really liked being in charge.  I was getting the hang of the new responsibilities and felt like I was making a difference.

Then the crazy started.

When I say crazy I mean crazy.  I was the director of a national chain child care facility.  After just 3 weeks on the job one of my employees hot lined another employee for child abuse.

It was a one day investigation in which I was told that they were not able to substantiate the charge.  I had to tell the parents of 100 children what had happened that day.  It went much better than I thought it would.

The next day the employee who made the call did not show up on time to work, I wrote her up.  She did come in just in time for the news crew to show up.

I did not want to be on the News.

I have never dreamed of being on the news that was for sure.  The parents withdrew their child and I was hoping it was going to settle down.

The next day I was contacted by a local detective.  I had to go to the police station to make an offical statement.

Another thing I that was not on my bucket list.  This is the point in which I began to think that I had jumped into the fire……

I also was accused for creating a hostile work environment.  The story of the fire goes on and on

Since school was a challenge for me never, never, never give up was deeply ingrained in my character.  I was determined to make it work.  I was the boss.  I could make it right, I just knew I could.

I was so stressed……I could not sleep, I could not eat.

I prayed constantly, asking the Lord for wisdom.  I wanted to do a good job.  I wanted to be able to be the leader the staff needed.  Both the stress and the Lord’s presence were intense during this time.

This intense period of time only lasted for 3 months.  I finally heard the Lord clearly, not that He had not been talking I was just struggling to believe I was hearing Him right.

It was His will to step out in faith and walk away.

I resigned and trusted for the next job to come along.  It did.

When I look back on this time I remember it as being a bitter sweet time with the Lord.  The refining fire was intense but the dependence on my Lord brought me to the place I needed to take another leap of faith and make an even bigger change in my life.

Have you experienced the refiner’s fire?  How did it grow your faith?


Nebuchadnezzar responded and said, “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, who has sent His angel and delivered His servants who put their trust in Him, violating the king’s command, and yielded up their bodies so as not to serve or worship any god except their own God.

Daniel 3: 28

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