Review by Rayna: No More Faking Fine

No More Faking Fine:  Ending the Pretending The title itself is one we all relate to I think.  We have all faked it during seasons of life and frankly I’m not sure there is any other way to make it  in public and on the job but the one time we NEVER have to fake it is...

Get Real with God through Lament

Get Real with God through Lament Ending the Pretending   It’s Sunday morning and you like me are headed into church.  Each person passed offers a courteous greeting like, “Good Morning!”  “Hi!  How are you?”  “Good thanks and you?”  or “Fine, thanks!” The truth...

Review by Rayna: The Kindness Challenge

The Kindness Challenge:  30 Days to Improve Any Relationship   I am a big fan of Shaunti Feldhahn’s books.  I love the way research helps us understand ourselves and others better.  The Kindness Challenge is no different! One of the most interesting facts...

Review by Rayna: Necessary Endings

Necessary Endings:  The employees, businesses, and relationships that all of us have to give up in order to move forward   From the subtitle you can tell that this book addresses both business and personal relationships.  Though it has many business examples and...
Take Heart Coaching