Review by Rayna: Find the Good

Finding the Good: Unexpected Life Lessons from a Small-Town Obituary Writer   Find the Good was written by Heather Lende a long time obituary writer.  I really enjoyed this unusual book. Re-framing situations and events is a skill taught in coaching.  Re-frame...

Review by Rayna: Doing Busy Better

  Doing Busy Better has great content. Though it would not make my top 10 list, I would recommend it because it does hit on some things which I think most of us need to hear.  The Lord definitely challenged me in areas as I read about this Better Busy. Glyniss...

Review by Rayna: Scary Close

Scary Close:  Dropping the Act and Finding True Intimacy is an interesting read and a deviation from what I usually share here. I have been familiar with Donald Miller because of his business acumen not as a person.  After reading this book I would say I know him...

Do You See Your Spouse as Grace from God?

As Valentine’s Day arrived this year I received a very sweet card from my farmer.  He is usually the funny card kind guy so the card he chose for me this year really touched me. I am so thankful for him in my life.  Moving beyond divorce and the disappointment, shame...
Take Heart Coaching