by holdingRcN | Jan 10, 2015 | Growing in Faith
There is always a silver lining, right? To me the silver linings are the blessings which the Lord gives us in exchange for the sadness, heartaches and concerns we experience in this fallen world. Sometimes we make bad choices and experience consequences...
by holdingRcN | Dec 17, 2014 | Growing in Faith
The nightmare is starting over again. Mom’s diagnosis At 16 I overheard a conversation on the phone, some of you will remember what it was like to have one phone line into the house and 3 extensions. You could pick up a phone and someone else might be on the line, at...
by holdingRcN | Nov 27, 2014 | Growing in Faith
She was gone and nothing was the same. Everyone has that special relative that just makes them feel special or that one person who helps you feel you fit in the family. Aunt Wilma My special relative was my Aunt Wilma. She was my mom’s older sister and I was...
by holdingRcN | Oct 23, 2014 | Growing in Faith
Many times when we are busy living life things are going by our windshield so quickly we can’t see anything much less God’s hand in it all. I have found that taking time to look at life from the rear-view mirror can make all the difference in the world. By seeing...
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