Katie is a midtwenty year old who found herself struggling with the transition into adulthood.  She has been in small town KS since graduating from college.  She   was excited to get a job as an elementary school teacher   but then she found herself struggling with feeling stuck   in a rut which made her feel unsuccessful in all areas, personal and professional.


What was the most difficult part about your transition?

At first I just thought this is what being a grown up is. Once I knew something had to it change it was identifying why I felt overwhelmed and like I was stuck in a box.

What did you do to get outside of the box?

I hired a coach, Rayna.  I explored what needed to change.  I began a plan of action to seek peace with God, developed a budget plan, sought new social opportunities and found a routine that lead to more sleep.  Finding one problem helped me to go deeper and deeper and deeper to really get to the root of what I needed to find peace.  I started reading the Bible more and even joined an online Bible study.

What do you think was most helpful for you to move into the hope and peace you were wanting?

Having a plan on paper to be able to see what I needed to do to move forward.  Journaling was also a big help to me and something I have continued to do today.

Was there a special verse that the Lord used to encourage you during this time?

Yes, definitely.  Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

How did your faith grow from this transition time in your life?

I found a deeper and more real relationship with God.  More of a reliance with Him in each moment of the day.

Do you think you would have found that without this period of time in your life?

No, with all the struggle there was growth.  The environment and challenges really pushed me to grow.  They helped me to realize that I can only rely on God for sure.

Katie has moved from being stuck in a box, feeling alone, and confused to hope, looking forward to change, with excitement about what is next.

Take Heart Coaching